John with a completely home-produced project, writing, singing and playing all parts himself. Very much laid back, melancholic and song...
Friend Of Larne
Austrian PROG; a rare asset! 70‘s feeling plus some of the ingredients of the decades between then and now! Floyd...
Big Big Train? Just wonderful musics, easy listening if you like it and complex and progressive enough to make you...
Another debut; French! Driving heavy guitars; growls (a few); Riverside (Pearl Jam?) like voice; powerfull song writing!!! Within all the...
New Progs on the block; Danish! The songs start rather than Rock songs; but then they have some Saga, some...
Our good friends from Scotland; Brilliant story telling album! Neo proggy, folky, somtimes bit of Neil Young? All instruments are...
Friends of a friend on digital turntable here. Bluesy, groovy, danceable even, sometimes CARAVAN like, old fashioned in a very...
Melancholic; Minimal; (excellent) Musicianship -> Malcolm!Complex, melodic, bass driven, occasional lovely flute tunes fitting and of course the always very...
An album with 28 songs on it! A science fiction story/novel/movie supported by symphonic-, neo-, even folky and proggy tunes;...